Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


        • Social and demographic profile:gender, first and last name, title, address, city, province, country, postal code, telephone number, cell (mobile) telephone number, fax number.

        •  Email:lead’s email address. Also called unicity key or unique identifier identifier (in certain exception cases, another unicity key can be selected, for example, the customer ID).  . PUBLITRAC only The relationship marketing platform only supports one unicity keyunique identifier.

        •  Customer Identifier (ID):identification number assigned by your system (not The customer identifier may be selected as the unicity key in exception cases. Not to be confused with the unicity key unique identifier which is the lead’s email address, also called uniqueness called  the unicity key).

        •  External Identifier (ID):number used during a synchronization or lead import.

        •  Do not call:Checkbox. Determines that a lead cannot be contacted by phone.

        • Unsubscribed:Checkbox. Lead who opted out of your communications by clicking on the link to unsubscribe (required under Bill C-28) at the bottom of each email powered by PUBLITRACour platform. No email will be sent to this unsubscribed lead. You may however, manually uncheck the   Unsubscribedcheckboxon the Lead Details Detail pagein the case , if for example, a where the lead has renewed his subscription in writing (without using a form linked to PUBLITRACthe relationship marketing platform ).

Unsubscribed cause:mechanism that leads to the unsubscription of the lead (non-editable). For example, the unsubscribe link. This information is supplied a system information provided by the email server and cannot be modified manually. 

Unsubscribed reason: details of the reason why the lead has unsubscribed from your emails (editable). This field can be filled out manually or linked to a field you have included in your unsubscribe form. For example, receives too many emails, moved, etc.

        • Invalid email (Hard Bouncehard bounce):when an email address is invalid. PUBLITRAC The relationship marketing platform will automatically update the information in the Lead DetailsDetail page by checking the Invalid Emailemail checkbox. This address will no longer receive any emails. However, all actions performed by this invalid email will stay in PUBLITRAC the relationship marketing platform and if ever this lead changes his email address (updated manually in the lead details detail page) his history will be transferred under his new email address.

              Invalid email Cause:  reason thereason why the lead’s email is considered as invalid. This reason is provided by the email server (non-editable).

        • Suspended: this field needs to be manually checked by a PUBLITRAC the user of the relationship marketing platform user when he decides a lead should not receive any more emails. For example, a lead could be suspended if he is a bad payer, on a long holiday, etc. The information and activities related to this lead will stay in PUBLITRACthe relationship marketing platform. However, he will no longer receive emails. 
        • Reason for suspension:to complete manually. The reason why the lead is suspended. For example, a lead could be suspended if it is bad payer, if he is on an extended sick leave…
