Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.

Change an email

1. Click Content, and then Email.


6. Enter your Dimensions. If there is a check in the Maintain proportions box, enter only the width or height. The system will automatically adjust the other side to preserve the original proportions.

7. Click Update.

Note:PUBLITRAC supports animated .gif format images. However, you will be limited by the email customer you use. Emails customers, like Outlook, does not support animations. You will only see the first image of the animation in your Outlook. If you use Web email clients or HTML (such as gmail or hotmail), your animation will run unrestricted.

Tall images will be cropped in Outlook. Outlook truncates the upper portion of all images higher than 1728px from the top-down. So, if your image is 250px longer than the 1728px limit, 250px will get cropped off the top. We’ve also seen Outlook re-scale an image so that its max height is 1728px. We suggest that you crop your images and stack them on top of each other.”*


Add a link to your email
