A lead / client is an individual who has provided his email address (the email is the unique identifier or lead's unicity key - in some exceptional cases, another unicity key can be selected, for example: Client identifier) . The profiling tool included in the Leads / Customers section of PUBLITRAC allows you to manage the interactions of your leads on your digital assets as you go (depending on the type of synchronization). This information is aggregated on one page Lead Details available for each of your leads. Understanding your leads’ profiles will allow you to generate lists from which your campaigns will be carried out.

Understanding the profile of my Leads

1. Click on Leads.  

2. Click on Leads/customers


3. The Leads screen appears with two tabs:

a. Leads tab

b. List Management tab (this section will be addressed in the article List Management (import your leads).


4. To access the details of a Lead, select the one desired by clicking once on the number in blue under the column # (or double click any other field). You will access the Lead Details page.


5. The Lead Details page opens in a new tab from your internet browser. 

The Lead Details page groups information for the lead in five sections: A. Information B. Attributes Lead/Customer  C. Enterprise  D. Statistics-Website browsing  E. Notes.

See the description of the items contained in each section below this table. The shaded text indicates where your custom fields (specific to each customer) will be displayed.





Description of the fields displayed in the Lead Details page

A. Information  

Name of the import list : name of the list you used to import this lead.

Name of the synchronization or campaign : name of the synchronization or of the campaign that imported this lead.

Paid Google search : indicates that the source of this lead is from one of your Google AdWords ad (paid).

Paid Google announcement : indicates that the source of the lead is from a Google Display ad (an AdWords ad which comes from another site).

Organic Google search : indicates that the source of the lead is from a search in Google (not paid).

Organic Yahoo! search : indicates that the source of the lead is from a search in Yahoo! (not paid).

Organic Bing search: indicates that the source of the lead is from a search in Bing (not paid).

Twitter : indicates that the source of the lead is from a search with Twitter (not paid).

Facebook : indicates that the source of the lead is a Facebook profile or any Facebook page (paid or not paid. The relationship marketing platform does not differentiate).

LinkedIn : indicates that the source of the lead comes from the LinkedIn account of an individual or of a company (paid or not paid. The relationship marketing platform does not differentiate).

B. Attributes Lead / Customer 

Attributes are the criteria from which you will be able to segment your lists and customize your mailings.The relationship marketing platformoffers several default attributes (fields common to all customers). On the other hand, you can also create custom fields; a maximum of 30 custom fields are possible. To create custom fields, click on the three lines on the menu to the right Settings / Configuration / Custom Fields.

Default attributes (native) available in the relationship marketing platform

Unsubscribed cause: mechanism that leads to the unsubscription of the lead (non-editable). For example, the unsubscribe link. This information is a system information provided by the email server and cannot be modified manually. 

Unsubscribed reason: details of the reason why the lead has unsubscribed (editable). This field can be filled out manually or linked to a field you have included in your unsubscribe form. For example, receives too many emails, moved, etc.

              Invalid email Cause: thereason why the email is considered as invalid. This reason is provided by the email server (non-editable).

C. Company

Displays information related to the business (company, number of employees, site web, income, business sector, sub-sector of activity). No field is compulsory.

D. Website Navigation Statistics

Displays the statistics of the website navigation your lead has performed. These statistics are similar to what we can find in Analytics, but are specific to this lead (and not simply an IP address). We can find statistics on total page views, total page views - 7 days, average page views, total visits, last visit, number of page views, last visit duration and last visit exit page. 

E. Notes

You may complete and/or update the information on your lead by completing this Notes section. 

6. Select the Activities tab to access the history of the activities related to a lead from the date at which this lead exists in PUBLITRAC (lead updated, email sent, email received, web page visited, etc.), with regards to both the communications you sent him as well as his visits to your site. The activities are completed automatically by PUBLITRAC (non-editable). 

Double click on one of the activities to access more details. You'll get the screen below.

7. Select the Marketing tab to access the lists in which the lead belongs to, as well as the history of his import sources. It includes:

A. Membership Lists : lists in which a lead is present (a lead may be present in many lists). Note that these results display only the fix lists (if a lead is present in a segment, the membership list will not display the segments in which the lead is present).

B. Marketing Touches: displays the history of all import sources or synchronizations of lists in PUBLITRAC with the creation date. 

C. Opportunities: this is an advanced functionality used for accounts synchronized with Salesforce. This field is available in Salesforce and this tab lists the information linked to lead opportunities in PUBLITRAC.


8. Select your list from the drop-down menu .


Below are the choices displayed in the drop-down menu. Select your list. The first section displays the default lists available in PUBLITRAC (see descriptions below). Then follow the Lists, Filtered lists and Segments that you will have created.


     Description of the choices available by default in the drop-down menu Select your list

During the execution of a campaign, PUBLITRAC will automatically manage the duplicate leads, unsubscribed leads, and the leads having a bounced email (soft or hard bounce). The screen below will be displayed (for more information, consult section 4- Campaigns and automation).

                     After the activation of the campaign, you will see the number of leads processed, which reflects the number of verified leads on which the campaign has been processed.


The three contact methods available by default in PUBLITRAC are Chat, Form and Phone. See the Information section in the Lead Details page found below.


