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Creating a new form from PUBLITRAC is simple.

You may use forms on your website to collect information about visitors.

For example, you may use a form on your contact page, or require visitors to complete a form before downloading a piece of content like a whitepaper.

You may create two different types of forms in PUBLITRAC:

1. Web Forms

Web Forms are used to link existing forms to PUBLITRAC

You should opt for a web form if you are planning to keep using forms that have already been implemented on your website.

This will allow you to store the information collected by these forms directly into PUBLITRAC, and to configure alerts/assign leads to a sales representative if so desired.


2. Hosted Forms

Hosted Forms are forms created in PUBLITRAC.

Once you have created a hosted form in PUBLITRAC, you can then insert it into a landing page or on your website.

This option allows you to create new forms using a simple form designer should you not have any existing forms, or should you wish to create new, custom forms.



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