Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.

Note:  TheImport of a csv in PUBLITRAC is limited to files of 75 000 lines maximum.Make sure that the csv files to import do not exceed this limit. If not, split your files and make more than one import.




Before converting your .XLSX (Excel) file to a .CSV: 

  • Verify that the address, city and province are shown in separate columns.
  • Verify that the cells do not contain more than one email address.
  • Verify that all email addresses contain the @.
  • Verify that there are no unnecessary spaces in the cells (meaning that there is no Alt+Enter). 
  • Verify that the phone numbers are separated by spaces or dashes.
  • Verify that in the first line of your list, for each column, there is a title, without a space or special characters (Example: name_client or postal_code).
  • Your list must contain at least 2 columns. 
  • Remove all empty lines.
  • Verify that all the dates respect the format: AAAA-MM-JJ.
  • Make sure to erase all values or formulas from the cells. Do Ctrl+A to select all cells and then go in your Excel under the 'Home' menu, then "Clear" and choose the 'Clear Formats’ option (see the example below).
