5 - Analysis (lead scoring, conversions, performance/access/export)

Lead scoring allows to quantify the interest your leads have towards your business. Assigning a score to your leads according to their digital interactions (completed form, link clicked on an email or landing page, visit to a section of the website,...) will allow you to pre-qualify them in order to establish a chain of communication. The score enables you to establish the level of maturation of your lead. Depending on the score of your lead, you can automate a mailing to follow up or to assign this lead to a sales representative who will communicate with him. The alerts will be sent to the sales representatives in real time.

A conversion occurs when a lead does an action on one of your digital assets. As soon as one of the following actions occurs (website page or section visited, the website link clicked, email sent, opened, clicked, bounced, unsubscribed, form completed, lead created, discussion on chat, message on chat), PUBLITRAC converts your lead by triggering an interaction with him.

The Performance reports section allows to track the performance of your leads, your content, your campaigns, of Google my business and Google Adwords, of your website, URL’s and your CRM. Also, the statistics resulting from your marketing campaigns are posted. These statistics are cumulative and improve the marketing profiles of your database as actions are carried out by individuals (leads) on your digital assets. PUBLITRAC’s distinctive feature is that these statistics are all attached to the individuals who had interactions with your digital assets (unlike Google Analytics which are 'anonymous' statistics from IP addresses). Your campaigns will address individuals on which you will have accumulated information based on their history (past behaviors on your digital assets), their attributes (socio-demo profile,...) and their specific interests (custom fields). Various reports are available to track the status of your campaigns or the results of your emails sent. All performance reports available in PUBLITRAC are updated every 15 minutes.

Access / export Performance Reports

1. Select Analysis.

2. Click Performance Reports and access your reports from the tabs or by clicking directly on the report.

3. Choose the report you want to analyze. The most often requested report is the one for the email mailings. Under the section Content Performance, see Email Performance and choose Summary.


Export Performance Reports

1. Select Analysis and, then Performance Reports.

2. Select the desired report (in our example, Leads by source). Click Summary.

The screen below appears.

3. Select the Time Span you want from the calendar at the top right. Following are the choices that are available to you:

    • Today (today’s date)
    • Last 7 days (the last 7 days, including today)
    • Previous month (from the 1st to the last day of the previous month)
    • Current month (from the 1st  up to today)
    • Current year (from January 1st up to today)
    • Specific date (choose a specific date)
    • Date range (date range you can choose)

4. Click Export.

5. The exported report is displayed in different places, depending on your Internet browser. Here are the most common examples:

 Chrome: the exported report is displayed at the bottom left:


 Firefox: the exported report is displayed in a central pop-up:



 Internet Explorer: the exported report is displayed at the bottom center: